General Info on Classes


We have a great selection of classes and instructors lined up for you!  Click here to view the classes. Clicking on a small image will bring up a larger image.  Classes will be held at the Smith County Ag Complex in Raleigh, MS, on Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday, September 15-17, 2016. The carving classes will be held outdoors in a covered area.  All other classes will be held indoors.  Online registration has ended.  You may register at the festival as a walk-in, if class space is available.  Class fee consists of teacher fee payable to the teacher in class and registration fee payable to MSGS upon registration.  The $5 registration fee per class is non-refundable, unless teacher cancels class.

Fully read class descriptions and pay special attention to what you need to bring to class.  Please be prepared with tools and supplies required for classes you are taking or hope to take.  We will have lots of gourds, tools, and supplies for sale at the festival.

All students should check in at the class registration desk at the festival before going to class.  The “Fast Lane” at the registration desk at the festival is for pre-registered students with prepaid registration fees.  Those students need to check in and pick up their schedules.  There is a separate line for students waiting to register and pay at the festival.

Notice to all students:  Please be prompt for classes.  If you are unable to make it to class or are running late, please give us as much advance notice as possible.  Our teachers are counting on your attendance.  If you are more than 10 minutes late for class and have not notified us, we will assume you are a no-show and will allow a waiting student to fill your spot.  Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation.

We look forward to having you!  If you have questions about classes or registration, please let us know.  Our goal is to have happy students and happy teachers!

Michelle Thompson, Classes Chair

Classes Chair:  Michelle Thompson, 601-782-9444,
Classes Registrar:  Susan Byra, 601-776-2058,
Show Chair:  Sarah Kemp, 225-222-6575,
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